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Maria started her career in front of the camera as a fashion model in Paris. That's when she took up photography as a hobby and learned from the best. After graduating from The Lee Strasberg Institute in New York she moved to Los Angeles to pursue her acting career. Even though she has worked consistently throughout the years she understands the overwhelm and frustration of getting the right headshots, finding an agent, and getting auditions.

After her friend's agent saw the headshots Maria had taken, she was asked to shoot headshots for all the actors in the agency and that's how Tornberg Headshots was born. Her passion for photography together with her knowledge, experience, and connections, has given her a unique position and authority in the field. Over the last 10 years, she has helped over 1000 actors land their dream agent and dream roles.

Maria works one on one with her clients, helping them develop their brands, design outstanding headshots that give real results and build a lasting acting career. 


Maria is currently playing Renee on General Hospital and is starring in the romantic comedy “Unfavorable Odds”. 

She loves cooking, hot yoga, and true crime documentaries and is a proud mommy of 2 rescue fur babies: PearlMae & Matilda.

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Together with our talented and fun team of Hairstylists, Makeup Artists and Image Stylists we design headshots and social media content. 

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Team Photo

Swedish photographer Maria Tornberg has worked in Paris, Barcelona & New York  with some of the most worlds best photographers. She has been based in LA since 2005, acted in films and TV-shows, directed two award winning films and worked with Alexander Skarsgård, Danny Trejo, Matt Barnes and Bex Taylor-Klaus. She has also been collaborating with advertising agency BBDO for projects like Visa and HSBC. Her work is published internationally.


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